Product Description
Free Shipping to the Lower 48 States (7-10 Business Days)
- 1.5-inch Wide x 75-feet Long
- Black 2-sided
- Qty - 1 Roll
- Made in U.S.A
- Adheres best in 60°-78°F
- Do not store in areas above 78°F - adhesive can melt
- If product arrives hot, place in freezer for at least 30 min.
Foundation Butyl Tape DIY Description:
Crawl Space Ninja DIY Foundation Butyl Tape is a reinforced butyl tape coated on both sides with an aggressive rubber based adhesive system specifically designed to compete with Butyl Rubber in applications that
require very high tack, peel, and sealing properties.
Foundation Butyl Tape Applications:
Crawl Space Ninja DIY Foundation Butyl Tape provides excellent adhesion and sealing to a wide range of surfaces and conditions including: porous, low energy, cold, and damp surfaces.
- Great for field seaming and repair of polyethylene and polypropylene film/panel.
- Excellent adhesion to concrete walls, galvanized aluminum, plywood, oriented strand board, wafer-board, and pink foam insulation sheet.
- Sealing between glass, metal, wood and many plastics.
- Click Here to download specification sheet.
FAQ: How Much Foundation Butyl Tape Do I Need?
First you need to take a measurement to get the linear feet of your crawl space's perimeter. For example, if you have a crawl space that is 50 feet long and 20 feet wide (1000 square feet) we simply add the measurements of each wall to get your total perimeter linear feet. 50 feet + 20 feet + 50 feet + 20 feet = 140 total linear feet. That's how much butyl tape you'll need. Since each roll is 75 feet, you would need 2 rolls! This will meet your 140 feet requirement. You may also want to calculate pillars.
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An Absolute Life Saver
I was encapsulating my crawl space by myself and this is easily an extra set of hands to hold the vapor barrier up!
I use it for everything!
I bought this for my crawl space project to hang the vapor barrier on the pillars. This is best tape I ever had. This held my vapor barrier up while I was down there by myself hanging the other side. I still use this for in-home uses too like hanging my decorations up!!!!!
Great Product
The tape works well as another set of hands when installing vapor barrier by yourself. It sticks well to brick and concrete block, as long as you wire brush the surface first. The paper backing is wider than the butyl tape itself, which is good since it won't pick up dirt and sand while moving around in the crawl space.
Foundation Butyl Tape - Butyl Tape 1.5"x75'
Worked very well at holding my vapor barrier to a poured concrete foundation wall. Shipped super fast! Awesome company to do business with!
I like the tape very strong
worked well tried other brand tape did not work as well and not as much tape
Butyl Tape
This product worked better than expected. Make sure you have the plastic where you want it because once it contacts the tape it’s there.
Butyl tape
This stuff is great!! I used it on brick foundation in an area that is very damp. It stuck very good after I wire brushed the area I installed it. I have 2 more rolls and maybe more to install. I would recommend it for your vapor barrier installation.
Butyl Tape
I followed the online videos and the tapw was adhered, I rolled it and after 5 days the tape started coming off of the concrete block. I was disappointed and hoping for so much more. I will be contacting customer service, hopefully my other rolls dont do this.
butyl tape
Great tape. Holds great. Sticks great to cinderblock.